Among the administrative procedures for working with international students, which the SNAU team is working on, a large list of them can be mentioned. We will list only those that are already under active development:
Creation of a personnel unit (deputy dean) in each faculty, which deals with work with international students (support, documentation, communications);
Creation of a new web page for international students;
Clear division and delegation of powers to work with international students;
Creation/modernization of an electronic questionnaire for submitting international students’ applications for study;
Optimization of administrative procedures, including using the official website and mobile application of the university, for the needs of international students;
Bringing the normative and legal framework of the university regarding the training of personnel for international countries to the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine;
Improvement of the procedure of arrival at the university, as well as accommodation in dormitories, departure (short- and medium-term) and return, taking into account the military conflict and its consequences.